I Am...

  • ...Abby Visco...seeking to be awakened in a new place and to awaken the hearts of the NOW of the church: our youth...

A Day In Geneva

  • Old Window
    A few shots (there are too many to put them all up!) from a day I spent in Geneva a little while back. It was a truly beautiful experience.

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January 04, 2006



Bro, this is where you LIVE? That is nuts. It is freaking gorgeous. Cherish it cause Jersey's not that pretty to look at.


Sad. I wish it was pretty where you live, Visco.

Becca, you must be crazy. Jersey is HOTT. Grey skies, soggy brown/yellow/green grass, sand all over the road. Don't get much better than that.

Emperor T

They have places that look like that in real life? Just like a bunch of humans to stick a restaurant and a string of streetlights in front of such a view. Hey, I hope you're fully enjoying the not-writing-a-theology-take-home-final that I assume you are doing tonight / this morning.


I just put my pics from the trip on a cd yesterday, so sometime this week I hope to figure out how to send them your way! WHO'S BIRTHDAY IS FOUR DAYS AWAY?!?!?!?!??! Holler. I miss you so much.SMOOCHES. Bishi


Happy Birthday.

Amy Visco Na

Hey, Abster-Nice discussion about those oranges. My kids get the same thing! We miss you. I hope all is set for your Italy trip! Happy Birthday- 24!!! WOW. Have a great day. xoxox from Amy tg

ULR what the hell is this?

Sofia Visco Na

dear ant abby I hope you have a very nice time in swiserlin thanks for getting the mesig.from angil cheeks!!

Christian Visco Na

hi from your nephew, Christian

today is your birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy birthday from the Nazzzzzz
I hope u are having fun down in (swiserlin) as Sofia (angel cheeks)


Laura Visco Na

Dear Aunt Abby ,
I hope you are having a great time in Switzerland with your friends.Have fun! Happy Birthday.

Love, Laura


Hey Abby- Happy belated birthday! I hope you are having an amazing time in Switzerland and that it is both everything and nothing like you expected. I love and miss you so much! Know that you are in all of our prayers back here at home. Love, Els


Hey Abby- Happy belated birthday! I hope you are having an amazing time in Switzerland and that it is both everything and nothing like you expected. I love and miss you so much! Know that you are in all of our prayers back here at home. Love, Els


Are you still alive, or did you die under the weight of all your Birthday wishes?

apostle john

It sure looks cold :)


Hi, Abby--

It's been awhile, and God only knows how I found your blog, but here I am writing to you! I just returned from Sam's here in Fort Wayne, and I repackaged my bulk pork chops to put in the freezer... can't beat the Midwest. :) I've been thinking about you a lot, what with your recent birthday and the freezing weather in Europe and Jon and I will find out in a few short months where his call will be. Do drop me a line if you get a chance--you're in my thoughts and prayers!



Lac Léman

Vos photos du lac Léman sont magnifiques !

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