I think I'm becoming a fan of long titles.
WELL WELL. Here we are and I haven't posted for a darn long time! I'm sorry to my frequent readers (I know there are vast amounts of you- please note the sarcasm) who have been waiting to hear about the service project and what youth ministry has been up to in Lausanne- do let me share!
First off, as you most likely noted from the title, I did not run the Geneva marathon (tear) due to some issues with my knees that I hope to resolve upon my return to the states. It was actually quite hard to give up this goal, and I didn't go down easy- there were several times I probably should've called it quits before I finally stopped running. I've taken a hiatus from running for nearly two months- but I hope to be making a few running attempts in the near future. I miss experiencing the breadth of emotions that Lac Leman (Lake Geneva) inspires and expresses while I stomp by. As Al Green would say, "take me to the river...wash me down...won't you cleanse my soul...put my feet on the ground".
I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who prayed for our team from Scots Kirk as we headed down to Ponticelli, Italy for the service project. It was an absolutely amazing and priceless experience. Some highlights of the week: Hearing phrases like "Gosh, I just feel like I have a second family with you guys", "When we come back next year...", "I wish we could stay longer and do more" and questions of discovery/wrestling like "Why do people have to live like this?", "How is the best way to help?", "Will what we do make a difference?"
Throughout our week in Ponticelli, we worked with a mission by the name of Centro Sociale Casa Mia E. Nitti. This mission houses an after school program for younger children who live in the area. Each day, about 40 kids gather after school for help with their homework and then a fun time of fellowship and laughter that usually includes games or crafts (with the occasional yummy treat). The program is run and owned by the Methodist church, and there are two deacons that are employed to facilitate the programming, find volunteers to help, etc... We were able to spend three days interacting with the kids in the afternoon (we brought some of our own fun game and craft ideas along with us), and we spent the mornings of our trip helping to restore murals that were painted on one of the program building's outside walls. The mural had been graffitied in a few spots, and had suffered through some weather damage. I never thought I'd be assigning people jobs like "Okay, you two work on Piglet this afternoon, and if I could have a team of three volunteer to put some touch-ups on Pinnochio, that'd be great. Oh, and someone needs to do something about Snow White's face." In addition to the mural, we cleaned up some trash in the area, and painted doors/ planters that had graffiti on them as well.
Of course, there are always questions that pop up on trips like this that sound like "Can we sleep in until lunch tomorrow?", "What's so great about an old city with freaky plastered people in it?" and "Why do I have to paint Dumbo's ears?" It all comes with the experience. I hope to have more about the service trip (and some pictures) up soon. But as you've witnessed, I work from a unique definition of "soon" in the blogging world.*
Lastly, I wanted to reference the Emergent conference that recently occurred over in these parts. A lively group from various perspectives and backgrounds gathered for two days in Geneva with intentions of exploring the following theme: "Priests, Prophets and Theologians: A divergent conversation on the future of the Church". There was much shared and discussed, and there were several speakers/ panelists, including names like Andrew Perriman, Jason Clark, Brian McLaren, Andrew Jones, Peter Rollins, Jamie Smith, Dave Fleming and more...
I myself have divergent perceptions and understandings of the "emergent" conversation, and it was a treat to get a chance to meet some of the above thinkers as well as all the others who participated in the conference. I enjoyed taking in many good conversations, questions and opinions that surround the un-definable movement/ body/ concept that is Emergent. I hope to bring up some more specifics in another post..."soon"*. Though, I don't want to risk taking my blog out of the "purely informative" realm just yet... :)
*(Maybe I'm just a "post-soon" kind of person. The concept of soon simply doesn't apply to me anymore. I'm comfortably beyond it...)
Finally!! We can't wait to see pictures.
Love you.
Posted by: Missi is awesome | May 11, 2006 at 10:47 PM
Yeah, maybe you've transcended 'soon.'
Posted by: -drm- | May 12, 2006 at 06:06 AM
I hope to hear your thoughts about the emergent conference SOON. Seriously, hook a brutha' up.
Posted by: Adam | May 14, 2006 at 06:05 PM
I've been trying to think of something clever or awesome to say since you first posted this. I haven't come up with anything yet, except that I love you, I miss you, and I am so happy for you. Things seem awesome, and there are few more gratifying experiences than mission trips.
I sat next to your parents today in church. "Have you spoken to our daughter lately? She hasn't emailed us in a month!" hahahaha
Posted by: Els | June 04, 2006 at 10:43 PM
Two months later...a new post?
Posted by: -drm- | July 06, 2006 at 11:30 PM
i love you abby cant wait till next month!!!
Posted by: Krissy | July 11, 2006 at 03:01 AM